(514) 562-5031 info@visualversa.com
We are all about dreams, but they are even better when we seen them take shape right in front of our eyes.

So today we have an invitation to you…Let’s turn your dreams into plans! And to be a le to do that, @visualversa we created a FREE visual template for you to evaluate different parts of your live, and make a plan to work on those you want to improve by turning your dreams into realities during 2021.

Download your FREE guide here and follow these steps to get started:
 1. Write the main plan-DREAM big! it might seem crazy and far away, and this is GREAT!.
2. Divide this big dream into small objectives/steps.
3. Give yourself attainable (daily or weekly) actions to move towards the final goal.
A really important part of this exercise is to use some icons through the process, we have added a page of icon ideas to this guide, to help you get started with this practice. The more you practice drawing icons, the better you will get at it 🙂 you can also use these icons on your agenda or calendar to add visual reminders.


Visual plan 2021

And just because we are all about visuals, here is another idea to help you visually organize your plans…Use colors

Use different colors for personal and family vs. business activities; or to organize priorities. Ex. We use Yellow, Orange and Red to make our priorities clear in our online office calendar 🙂


A good way to structure your ideas is to think about the main goal vs. the different small goals/steps towards your goal. Start from your macro-plan for 2021 and write down in the first rectangle on top of the page, and the slowly narrow it down into several micro-plans. In our template you have clear spaces to do that. Now you have a total of 12 small goals that will help you to achieve your big 2021 plan! If you want to go into more details (or see things even more achievable) break your monthly goals into smaller ones for each week. Check out the image below for an example.


Visual plan 2021
The most important part of this plan is… Be gentle to your self! Plans change and adapt, if something does not work out, be flexible! Move things around and let your plan evolve as the year also evolves. Oh, and do not forget to have fun in the process!
If you want to take your practice to the next level, we will be happy to chat 😊
Start now! Book a call with us to explore your options.

